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St. Bartholomew Award

In 1706 the colony of Carolina was divided into ten parishes to ensure that the Church of England, which was the established church, could function properly. Some of the early parishes of Colleton County were: St. Bartholomew’s, St. George’s, and St. Paul’s. As other counties were formed, this county became smaller, so today Colleton County has only one parish and that is St. Bartholomew’s. This county has many historic sites that need to be protected and preserved, so it seems fitting that the award for preservation of an historic site should be called the St. Bartholomew’s Award.

Preservation Awards Nominations will be accepted until June 1st via email at info@cchaps, mail to 205 Church St., Walterboro, SC 29488 or call the office at 843-549-9633. There are several different categories for nominations.

Past Recipients



2020: None given due to Covid-19


2018: Chapman's Fort Ashepoo


2016: Broxton Bridge Civil War Earthworks


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